Friday, June 30, 2006


I'm a pretty Nice guy

Considering I become a legendary asshole when I'm drunk. So I went to Leah's after Prom party. Me being too cool for Prom. (i.e. I was allready out of school when tickets went on sale) slept from 8 to 12 am in the morning. I awoke and 12 filled my flask with some crown royal and departed at 1.

As soon as i got inside i noticed how hot it was in there. My memory is pretty good up to this point, but listing all the people who where there in alphabetical order is really hard.

Anyways, I got smashed and released the venom tongue. I'm also not gonna list the things i said. Cuz they don't really need to be published.

But this does.

I have no recollection of this, but i've heard it from numerous sources, apparently someone handed me a super nintendo controller and i was winning a match before I yanked the super nintendo out of the power cord. Did I mention I was making out while this was happening? I'm fucking awesome like that all the time, the drunkiness probably actually hampered my skills.

Anyways enough of my lame drunk stories. I finally got a mastergrade gundam!! It took me pretty much a whole day to just assemble it. I'm waiting on some money to make sure i have enough paint to paint the whole thing and making sure i'm 100% sure I have the colours i wanna paint it.

Just to let the like 1 or 2 people who actually don't know me in person, a heads up. I'm dating a wicked cool girl named Diana now. She's pretty much the funniest person ever. And alot of fun.

I'm doing pretty good and the summer of Chris is still going pretty strong.

diana is hilarious. congrats!
You are living the highlife now Chris! Diana is hilarious, but then again so am I.
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