Saturday, October 14, 2006
Helllo. I finished thebottle tongith. There was streetfighter. I haven't played in so long, but i'm still soooooo good.
Happy that some good things stick around forever, but not all of them do. Fat guy in a little coat! Richard whats happening? uh oh! But why do people look for good things when they just go away? I know it temporarily makes you happier but eventually when it goes it fills you up with so much sorrow, it just ruins your whole mentality for a few good months.
Apparently things like that make you stronger? But how can i be decieved as stronger? Sure i can be a whiny faggoty emo kid who cries about his problem on a blog, where more then half the people who read just don't even leave a comment because they either don't me knowing they read this or just too taken back by what i say to say anything back.
Maybe its because i'm drunk, or maybe its because i'm sick and shouldn't be drinking, but i always end up in this crappy state where i just whine to anyone about my problems. It makes me feel better for like 6 seconds but it doesn't get me anywhere.
I need a vacation.
But my whole damn life is a vacation.
Happy that some good things stick around forever, but not all of them do. Fat guy in a little coat! Richard whats happening? uh oh! But why do people look for good things when they just go away? I know it temporarily makes you happier but eventually when it goes it fills you up with so much sorrow, it just ruins your whole mentality for a few good months.
Apparently things like that make you stronger? But how can i be decieved as stronger? Sure i can be a whiny faggoty emo kid who cries about his problem on a blog, where more then half the people who read just don't even leave a comment because they either don't me knowing they read this or just too taken back by what i say to say anything back.
Maybe its because i'm drunk, or maybe its because i'm sick and shouldn't be drinking, but i always end up in this crappy state where i just whine to anyone about my problems. It makes me feel better for like 6 seconds but it doesn't get me anywhere.
I need a vacation.
But my whole damn life is a vacation.
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i beat you in street fighter my first try, i'm awesome...=]
i'm sad i didn't get to finish tommy boy, but we didn't really pay much conversation..
& we (or atleast i do) search for things that make us happy because even if they eventually go away it's still nice to have had them, even if for just a few hours.
btw, we went to the barn on the way home & they have 1liter chocolate milk on sale for 99cents, and i bought one..then i thought about you that night @ sean's, why are you so awesome?
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i'm sad i didn't get to finish tommy boy, but we didn't really pay much conversation..
& we (or atleast i do) search for things that make us happy because even if they eventually go away it's still nice to have had them, even if for just a few hours.
btw, we went to the barn on the way home & they have 1liter chocolate milk on sale for 99cents, and i bought one..then i thought about you that night @ sean's, why are you so awesome?
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