Sunday, May 28, 2006


The first 48

Argh my life has been hell. The past 48 hours. But right now I can smile. I was doing it last night aswell.
But seriouslly i really wanna thank Everyone who cheered me up. Even if you didn't mean too.
I don't feel so lost anymore.
I really wish I knew how great all my friends where before this happened.
I Love you guys.

And as i once said.
"No matter what happens in life, you can allways bank on the sun rising, and aslong as that sun is shining you have nothing to worry about." (unless you're in a dessert with no water ERKKK!!)

Friday, May 26, 2006



Well me and Christina broke up today. I saw it coming actually. I'd really go into details but its not fair to dive into someone elses personally life in this blog besides my own. I'm feeling a little shitty. I wouldn't call it mutual, but it was for the best. Theres just times when you gotta let something go. And move on really. And its not like we ended up empty handed.

But I gotta say thanks to Nick. He's pretty much the forgotten best friend.(sorry Nick) But I always underestimate how much I value your friendship. Without him i'd pretty much be in a pile of my own drool and tears right now. He's good guy and I really respect and am thankful for his friendship. (Don't worry I ain't going all broke back on him ;) )

I'm going to be ok. I'm just going to focus on getting a job for now.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


I wish i got this excited over anything.

Friday, May 19, 2006



I just noticed my profile says i'm a female. Either someone is making a joke at me. Or my dyslexia is kicking in again. Anyways i'm gonna go fix it.

Errr home alone. Hehe just me and the doggy. I hope she doesn't decide to take a shit somewhere. That would suck.
I finally beat suikoden V god damn it was sooooo good. I enjoyed every bit of it. Even the 30 hour prologue.

I redemed myself in Street Fighter III. Mostly i just stopped using Hugo. Replacing him with Alex was the best decision I ever made. Near the end of our lil street fighter session Kevin started busting out elena. And started healing himself it sucked. Why am I blogging about this??

I brought Christina a Pizza yesterday.Super Marino's pizza sells medium cheese pizzas for 4 larges for 5 and Xlarges for 6. It was an amazing deal. So i picked me and my baby up a medium we shared it in the hallway Awwwwww L'amour.....

Recently i've been picking up my guitars and bass. Sure most the time was to get them out of the way but i started playing them a couple of times. I was surprised with how much i remembered. But that bored and started playing beat it by MJ. For like 3 hours. I dunno if it was awesome or embarrassing.

I really need to start handing out resumes. Like seriously. I dunno whats wrong with me. I'm definatly not lazy. Its more like i'm afraid. Afraid of change. I'm quite content freeloading off my parents . But at the same time. I wanna go out and go back to school get a job a wife a house and another dog all that jazz like normal people do. I know i can do it. Everyone can do it. I'm just afraid. I guess i'm like Peter Pan. I just can't let my childhood go.

Monday, May 15, 2006


Heres a segment from the best film ever.

Enjoy it.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006



So i've been looking for a dog recently. Visiting the SPCA and pet stores. Its kind of depressing visiting the SPCA is reallt depressing. You see all these beautiful animals locked up looking for a home. I really like these Basset Hounds i saw in a pet store. But I think i'm gonna step up and rescue a poor animal. Who cares if its old and not a puppy, It's still an animal a living breathing animal. A responsibility. A lot of people aren't ready for something like that, and i commend them for dropping them off at the SPCA. But if you are ever thinking about getting animal please consider if you're capable of taking care of it and please please give one of those beautiful animals a 2nd chance.

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